Follow your passion, success will follow you

Minh Media
8 min read1 day ago


Passion is the reason you wake up in the morning, and just thinking about it is enough to keep you up late at night excitedly. Passion can also be a quiet feeling of satisfaction, knowing that you are living your own life. However, not everyone knows exactly what their passion is. Don’t worry — whether you’re looking for your passion to pursue a new job, or are looking for a hobby or activity to immerse yourself in, there’s a lot you can do to define and follow your passion.

What is passion?

Follow Your Passion

Passion is simply the feeling of longing, wanting to do something. Passion is not natural but it is formed after a process of actual experience with a job, any hobby. From there, you will develop feelings, ready to pursue it even if you have to sacrifice many other things in life. Passion is something everyone hopes to find in their life. However, do not confuse passion with a momentary feeling of love. If interest can appear from the “first meeting” when you see/hear/know something, passion is not so. You have to be in direct contact and have real experiences to find your true passion. In other words, hobbies are the basis for forming passions.

How to find your passion?

So, how do you find and follow your passion? Read below to learn more!
Find something you love As mentioned above, hobbies will be the basis to help form passions. So, first, find the things that you love, the things that make you feel excited, want to do, want to learn. If you still don’t really understand what you like, don’t worry, you can participate in trial courses, participate in activities, organizations … to arouse your interest in a certain field. . For example, you can take soft skills courses to see if you are interested in presentation or research skills.
Think about what you like to do. Take a look at yourself and see if it’s true that you’re doing what you love — just not doing it often. Identifying what you truly enjoy and actively transforming it into a passion can help you find out what your heart desires.

Follow Your Passion

Here are a few questions for yourself:

What is your purpose?
What do I do most of the time?
What am I always trying to do?
What is his characteristic?
If I could do one thing for the rest of my life, what would it be?
What do I like to do?
What will I do, even if I don’t get paid?
What makes me feel like there’s nothing else?
Which activity suits you best?
What do you do that makes you feel “right,” “cool” or “connected”?
Think about the things you’ve always dreamed of doing. This is different from making a list of everything that makes you feel happy. You’ll list all the things you’ve dreamed of doing, but haven’t done because you don’t have the time, don’t have the money, or because they’re impractical or a little scary. Here are some questions to ask yourself:
What have you always dreamed of doing but never did?
What did I want to do when I was a kid?
Do I have any unrealistic dreams that I have given up on?
What do I like to read or fantasize about?
Is there anything that makes me afraid to try because it will push me out of my comfort zone?
Is there something you’ve always wanted to do but haven’t been able to do due to financial reasons?
Is there something you’ve always wanted to do but haven’t tried because of fear of failure or just because you can’t afford it?
Is there anything that someone I know does that excites me?
What would I do if I wasn’t bound?

Experience hobbies to find passion:

Follow Your Passion

Passion does not stop at mere love. You can be interested in many things, but true passion will only be limited to a certain extent. Therefore, from the inherent interests, you have to experience a lot to find your burning passion. For example, if your hobbies are presentations, cooking, business, etc., then let yourself be free to participate directly in those jobs and other related jobs such as MC, chef, consultant, receptionist, etc. Only when you are exposed to those fields yourself, you will have more multi-dimensional views on the above interests, helping you to know if you really have a passion for it or just follow the trend, momentary trend.

Follow your passion, success will follow you
“Follow your passion, success will follow you” is advice and encouragement that we often see in life. “Passion — Success” is a phrase that still goes together. One fact is evident in the fact that people who pursue jobs that they love and are passionate about have a higher success rate than those who do jobs they hate.

Pursuing passion helps increase work productivity?

Doing work you’re passionate about will boost your productivity. Indeed, pursuing what you are passionate about means you are trying, trying your best to make it happen. Even if you have to sacrifice many things you will not give up. So, you will put all your mind and energy to complete the job in the best way. In addition, pursuing your passion will help you always feel comfortable and not constrained when working. With a high striving and excited spirit, the quality of work will definitely go up. When you maintain that, success is no longer a distant thing for you.

Follow Your Passion

Pursuing passion helps to work more creatively

Not only does it boost your productivity, but pursuing your passion also helps you think more creatively at work. Why? Because to turn your passion into reality, you always want to create breakthrough, unique and new ideas. And with a cheerful, excited spirit, you will easily do that. That will be the basis, the foundation to help you find new directions, create your own imprints on your own development path. And with the courage to dare to do, dare to challenge, not afraid to be so creative, success will be in your hands.

Follow Your Passion

Pursuing your passion helps you improve yourself

In addition, pursuing your passion also helps you to improve yourself. In the process of reaching your passion, you will practice perseverance, perseverance, not afraid of hardships, not afraid to fall. And those are the essential factors to help you create success in life. It can be said that passion is the driving force of each person’s development. So, boldly pursue it, success will surely find you.

Try a visualization board. A visualization board — also known as a dream board or creativity board — can be helpful in discovering passions. Some people think visually and react quite well to collecting things that represent meaningful thoughts.
Collect inspirational images and quotes that make sense to you. Who do you want to be? What do you want in your life?

What do you want to create?

You can also create a visualization board on a site like Pinterest
Decide what makes the most sense to you. Life is compromise. You don’t have the time or energy to do everything, but it’s important to decide what your priorities are. Identifying what you value most in life will save you from the frustrating annoyance of trying to have it all, which is obviously impossible.
Is passion for work important? You may have to sacrifice other aspects of your life, like hobbies or financial security.

Have money to pursue your passion?

Is a passion or hobby important to you? You may have to have a steady, high-paying but less enjoyable job to pay for this passion.
The more specific the better. “Happiness” and “Success” are two too vague concepts. Use your own feelings of worth and enjoyment to determine what makes you happy.
Even with trade-offs and compromises, you’ll feel more satisfied — and therefore more passionate, when you’re in control of your own choices. No one else’s expectations, but you are behind your choices.

You must choose a job that is right for you based on the skills and strengths that you have learned, accumulated in school and real-life experiences. Then you take more time to find your passion and invest in your passion, it will instill feelings of love for work and help you sublimate successfully in the work you are doing. Or you may have enough money to nurture your passion and develop another passion you want to pursue.

If passion drives you, let your mind take the reins

It is never too much when we take the time to calm down, review the past journey, look deeply into ourselves, thereby redefining and dispelling the illusions of passion. Knowledge is the eye of passion. Reason helps us understand the journey we are about to embark on. Nothing is absolutely certain, of course, but the better you understand your options, the less likely you are to fail.

Passion is and will always be the greatest motivation and destination of youth. American philosopher Ralph Waldo Emerson once said: “The passion for creating the world of youth. It makes everything come alive and worthwhile.” Without the wonderful emotions that passion brings, youth is like an arid desert.

Stay hungry, stay foolish. Accept the privileges of youth. However, when enjoying the privilege of flying dreams and having a long time to be allowed to be foolish, at key moments, we still need to be less emotional, use reason, listen to our surroundings and yourself more.

Resources, science, statistics… anything that helps us identify our passions, helps shape our path, and prepares us for the rapids ahead must be utilized. For surely, there is no easy path, no precious life capital to be obtained without cost.

And so, we hit the road, with Benjamin Franklin’s reminder: “If passion drives you, let reason take the reins.”

Minh Media Passion Team



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